Here's How "The Little Mermaid" (2023) Changed Its Music And Lyrics From The Original

    I have a personal grievance with Lin-Manuel Miranda over "The Scuttlebutt."

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    Ahoy! A new Disney live-action remake is upon us, which means it's time to fight over the songs our glorious mouse overlords decided to add, amend, and axe through the wondrous process of adaptation.

    So, here are some of the biggest musical changes from the 1989 animated The Little Mermaid to the 2023 live-action version:

    Note: I'm focusing on songs with lyrics, though there are some changes to the score.

    ADDED: "For the First Time."

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    Ariel gets a new solo in this version, voicing her thoughts when she first gets to land as a human. Not going to lie, I missed a decent chunk of this in the theater because I went to the bathroom, thinking that the opening percussion signified that "Scuttlebutt" was playing. Ah well, the final bit I saw was very moving. Dare I say, it's the best new addition — greatly helped by Halle's wonderfully emotive vocals. 

    My only gripes are with the lines: "Squeeze in the shoes and the corset ... Some women choose this, I guess it's alright." Very choice feminism of you, Lin! 

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    AXED: "Les Poissons."

    AMENDED: "Kiss the Girl."

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    The lyric changes here are pretty subtle — "Possible she want you too, there is one way to ask her" is changed to "Use your words, boy, and ask her." Composer Alan Menken addressed this in April, explaining, "There are some lyric changes in 'Kiss the Girl' because people have gotten very sensitive about the idea that [Prince Eric] would, in any way, force himself on [Ariel]."

    More noticeable is that Scuttle and Flounder also sing in this version. Which neatly segues into another minor change: Instead of squawking the love theme from Tchaikovsky’s "Romeo and Juliet" before "Kiss the Girl," Scuttle does an odd rap in the remake. I will not comment further on this.

    ADDED: "Wild Uncharted Waters."

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    I was originally on the fence about this one, having heard it without context, but Eric's "I want" song actually works tremendously well within the flick itself. In my opinion, anyway. He's just as into Ariel! He's just a little sailor weirdo! They're perfect for each other!

    If someone wants to edit this audio over Troy Bolton's "Bet on It" visuals...I'm here for it, is all I'm saying.

    AXED: "Daughters of Triton."

    AMENDED: "Poor Unfortunate Souls."

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    Basically, the bit where Ursula tries to convince Ariel that it's fine for her to give up her voice because men aren't into women talking is scrapped. Menken said of the change, "We have some revisions in 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' regarding lines that might make young girls somehow feel that they shouldn't speak out of turn, even though Ursula is clearly manipulating Ariel to give up her voice." RIP "BODY LANGUAGE."

    ADDED: "The Scuttlebutt."

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    This is the most egregious use of Lin-Manuel's flow I've ever heard (thus far). 

    ADDED/AMENDED: "Part of Your World (Reprise II)."

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    This is a sadder version of the reprise that's added near the movie's climax. The lyrics are beautiful and, as someone pointed out in the YouTube comments, feel fitting for how the book version might have ended. I'm fine. I'm fine! 

    What do you make of these choices? LMK in the comments!

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