I Want To Know The "Breaking Point" Moment That Made You Cut Ties With A Former Best Friend

    I'm super curious about what made you certain that the companionship couldn't continue.

    Not all relationships in our lives are meant to last forever, and you may have to distance yourself from certain people when their presence isn't contributing to your well-being.

    I want to hear all about your decision to stop talking to someone who was once your best friend.

    A woman turns her back to her friend as the two of them fight on the couch

    Maybe the friendship started off strong, but in time you noticed that your bestie thrived on gossip and drama, and it began to take a toll on you.

    A woman chats with a friend and coworker during their lunch break

    Or perhaps your former friend was quick to share all of their problems with you and get some guidance, but they were never around when you needed someone to vent to.

    A man looks at his phone, waiting for a message, while sitting at a table

    It could be that they did something totally unforgivable, like had an affair with your significant other, so you removed them from your life as a result.

    A woman and man hold hands behind the back of the woman's partner

    To anyone who's had to cut ties with a best friend, please tell me why and how you did it. Or, if you'd rather remain anonymous, you can fill out this Google form here. Your response might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.