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19 People Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

It's tough being a human.

If you just had a no-good, terrible, down in the dumps week, just remember...

1. The person who's going to have a very, very long walk back down:

Closeup of someone's broken shoe

2. The person who should've just left work early:

Spilled paint in a supply room

3. The person whose microwave absolutely annihilated their fries:

Black fries

4. The person whose rear-end deserves our thoughts and prayers:

Transparent toilet paper

5. The person with the saddest sandwich I've ever seen:

A sandwich that's mostly lettuce and greens and hardly any meat

6. The person whose key betrayed them when they needed it the most:

A key stuck in the crevice on the outside of a car

7. The person who got a fun little gift from the acupuncturist:

Someone holding a very tiny needle

8. The person who lost the battle to some quinoa:

Food spilled on the inside of a microwave

9. The person whose laundry room is now the ninth biggest waterfall in Iowa:

Water coming out of a washing machine

10. The person with the best seat in the house:

A large pillar blocking someone's view of the stage

11. The person who got a fancy French meal with their yogurt:

A snail in someone's yogurt

12. The person who will now be staring at the back of the seat in front of them for the duration of the flight:

An AirPods case with no AirPods

13. The person who might just be a bit tired:

Coffee spilled all over a countertop

14. The person who is having their plants burgled:

Patches of grass missing in someone's yard

15. The person who angered the wrong Norse god:

Ashes and dirt all over the floor of someone's living room

16. The person who will not be eating breakfast today:

Burnt cinnamon rolls

17. The person whose bike is no longer their bike:

Two bikes locked together

18. The person who will never, ever finish their show:

"I was one episode away from being finished..."

19. And the person who, well, yeah:

A bathtub filled with yellow water