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It's Time To Share Your Stories About Karma Kicking The Most Annoying/Rudest Person You Know In The A$$

Sometimes all you gotta do is sit back and watch as the universe takes care of your haters.

We all know that karma is THAT GIRL.

There's just nothing more satisfying than watching someone get their just desserts, muhahahaha.

Like, maybe a rude coworker went off on you for literally no reason, and when they went to take their first sip of morning coffee, they not only spilled it all over themselves but also into their purse. Heheheh.

Or it could be that someone did some sneaky shit and stole a starring role from you in a school or community theatre musical, only to absolutely biff the high note in the show's 11 o'clock number, making everyone cringe. Sucks to suck, Derek! 😊

Or perhaps your ex who dumped you for someone else got dumped by the person they left you for, but in a very public and embarrassing way. Now they'll never be able to show their face at Chili's again!

Whatever your stories are about karma serving sweet, sweet justice, I want to hear about them. Tell me who it was served to, what they did, and how it all played out in the comments below. Or you can submit your stories using this Google Form.

Your story may be part of an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!