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32 Things Basically Every Person On Earth Has Experienced Once In Their Life But Would Never Admit In A Million Years

You know they're true.

1. The foolproof way to save you from falling over:

A thumb presses against a car seat as a car makes a hard turn. Caption: "When that turn just a lil too hard."

2. The eternal struggle:

Man lying down in the snow with closed eyes. Top text: Too tired to pee. Bottom text: Too full of pee to sleep

3. The immediate amnesia:

Meme of someone in a grocery store, looking confused. Text: "I don't need a grocery list. Me at the grocery store."

4. The shattering of all society's rules and laws:

Man casually loads washing machine, caption jokes about ignoring color separation in laundry

5. The lifelong friendship with some rando:

A person gives a thumbs up with text above them joking about maintaining lifelong Facebook friendships with acquaintances from a party in 2009

6. That little glance:

Luigi from Mario Kart glances sideways, caption humorously comments on checking if bad drivers look as bad as they drive

7. Smoke playing tricks on you:

Meme of a man in a suit near a campfire with text: "Everytime you try to get a good spot at a campfire," showing smoke obscuring his face

8. The potato masher playing tricks:

A meme showing a potato masher blocking a drawer. Text: "Me: I think I'll open this kitchen drawer. Potato masher: The [expletive] you will."

9. The game of phone tag:

Person in a suit smiling while holding a phone. Text reads: "When you call somebody hoping they don't pick up, just so it will be on record you tried."

10. The radio reduction:

A hand adjusts car radio volume; text: "I'm lost. Time to turn down the radio so I can see better." Clock shows 2:49

11. The room buffering:

Baby Yoda looking upward with text: "You ever walk into a room and forget what you’re going to do so you just stand there loading."

12. The double check:

Blurred SpongeBob meme with a sign reading "Professional Idiot," humorously depicting repetitive phone time-checking

13. The pasta suffering:

Pot of pasta with meat sauce and a wooden spoon. Text reads "Just made about 15 servings of the worst pasta I have ever had in my entire life."

14. The unfathomably bright lights of all those new cars:

Two people in a car look surprised at bright headlights. Text above reads, "How it feels driving past newer vehicles at night nowadays."

15. The calf cramp from Hell:

Blurry, distorted character with an open mouth, expressing shock or pain. Caption: "When you're stretching in bed and you feel your calf start to tighten."

16. The HUGE difference in rating:

Top image: Squidward-looking SpongeBob near a 5.0 rating from 19 people. Bottom image: Winking SpongeBob near a 4.6 rating from 3,213 people

17. The YouTube validation:

Person holding a drink, sitting at a computer, with text: "Me watching YouTube reviews of the thing I just bought to justify my purchase."

18. The lifelong phobia:

Car view of logs falling from truck on road, with text about acquiring a lasting phobia in 2003

19. That little pain:

Blurred face with mouth wide open, caption reads: "When I swallow my water weird and it creates the worst chest pain known to man."

20. The immediate explosion in volume:

Two-panel comic: Top shows a normal TV remote. Bottom shows a remote with an exaggerated, large volume button labeled "VOL" for comedic effect

21. The hidden sounds:

A cartoon character with hands on headphones, eyes wide, with a caption about hearing new sounds in a song with high-end headphones. Blurry background

22. The card game struggle:

A man with glasses looks skeptical. Text above: "When my friends are trying to teach me the rules of a card game and I physically cannot listen."

23. That little wave:

A humorous image of a statue raising one hand, resembling stopping traffic. The caption relates to crossing the street

24. Waiting anxiety:

Man in gray jumpsuit stands in stone-walled room; caption jokes about waiting for a 2pm appointment

25. The phone call wander:

Person standing on snow-covered ground surrounded by scattered bird tracks, with text: "me when I'm on a call with someone."

26. The natural progression:

Three-panel meme: person grimacing before and after shower, looking content during shower

27. The struggle to stay sleepy:

A painting of a woman in a nightgown looks sleepy, paired with text: "Me trying to stay sleepy when going to the bathroom at 4 am."

28. The Google superiority:

Person looking unimpressed under text, "Me watching someone Google something less efficiently than I would."

29. Those numbers adding up:

Animated character at a computer, with a sad expression, captioned about relief when personal transaction history is accurate

30. The phone call denial:

Cartoon character SpongeBob looks up with a blank expression; meme text reads: "Me looking at what's about to turn into a missed call."

31. The necessary dismantling:

Text meme with a dialogue between "My brain" and "Me," showing a pen disassembled in a lower image

32. And the eternal timer being set:

Skeleton sitting on a bus seat, text overlay says, "Soon as I get to work I be like ok 7 hours and 59 minutes left."